Free Travel Guides

This resource page contains our best and most helpful travel guide content, all listed on this one page for easy access and navigation.
With all of our travel guide content, we’ve either written it ourself after exhaustive research and personal experiences in the destination, or we’ve hired a local to write it for us — that way, we can be sure we’re bringing you the best content in every travel guide. We’ve work to be sure our travel guides are correct and current at the time of writing, but of course info is subject to change, so we expect you’ll check things too.
Our series of Where to Stay Guides are created by us, locals, or local expats to bring you detailed information about a city’s best and coolest neighborhoods to stay in during your trip. We hope they’re especially helpful.

Here’s a quick guide to our existing travel guide content (use the link to jump to that section):

Southern Europe

France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece & Malta

Where to Stay in Paris

Where to Stay in Barcelona

Where to Stay in Madrid

Where to Stay in Seville Spain

Spain Travel Guide

Where to Stay in Rome

Florence Travel Guide

Where to Stay in Milan Thumbnail

Where to Stay in Lisbon

Best Places in Portugal

Malta Travel Guide

Central & Eastern Europe Travel Guides

Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Poland & Romania

Where to Stay in Prague

Where to Stay in Berlin

Where to Stay in Munich Guide

Germany Travel Guides

Where to Stay in Vienna,

Where to stay in Budapest

Where to Stay in Krakow Thumb

Warsaw Travel Guide

Bucharest City Guide Thumbnail

Western & Northern Europe Travel Guides

Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden & Norway

Where to Stay in Amsterdam

WTS Copenhagen

Netherlands Travel Guide

Norway Travel Guide Image

WTS Oslo Free Travel Guide

Stockholm Sweden Neighborhood Guide

UK & Ireland Travel Guides

Scotland, Ireland and Northern Ireland, and England

Where to Stay in Belfast

Where to Stay in Glasgow

Edinburgh Travel Guide

Scotland Travel Guide

<a href=Things to do in Dublin" width="300" height="200" />

England Travel Guide

Local’s Tips for London: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3

Canada & USA Travel Guides

Montreal, Quebec City, Calgary, Vancouver, Toronto, Seattle, Portland & Hawaii

Where to stay in Calgary

Where to stay in Montreal

Quebec City Guide

WTS Toronto Free Travel Guide

Canada Archives Blog Post

Where to Stay in Seattle Thumb

Where to Stay in Portland Thumb

Where to Stay in Hawaii

South America Travel Guides

Quito, Ecuador, Lima, Peru & Santiago, Chile

Quito Travel Guide Archives

A guide to where to stay in Santiago best areas

Asia Travel Guides

Shanghai, Beijing, Taipei, Hanoi, Bali, and Bangkok

Where to Stay in Shanghai Guide

Where to Stay in Beijing Guide

Where to Stay in Taipei Guide

Where to Stay in Hanoi Travel Guide

Where to Stay in Bali

Where to Stay in Bangkok Guide Thumbnail

Coming Soon: Marrakech, Morocco

If you have a specific destination you’d like us to cover, please tell us! You can send us an email at wandertooth [at] gmail [dot] com – we’d love to hear from you!!

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