20 Ways of Looking at the Book
These activities address multiple intelligences and a range of student ability levels.
21 Literary Temporary Tattoos Every Book Lover Needs
These images can serve as models for student response to reading. Students could design a tattoo for a character and then write an essay explaining or justifying their choices.
91 Ways to Respond to Literature
Multiple intelligences, varied ability levels, traditional to cutting-edge: you'll find book report ideas here! This list was originally compiled by Anne J. Arvidson.
Baseball Book Reports
Printable handouts with a baseball theme for young readers. Students write a "scouting report" for fiction or nonfiction; and they create a trading card for a book (model included). Adobe Reader required; 4 pages.
Better Book Reports and Better Book Reports: 25 More Ideas!
Teacher-tested ideas to help kids respond to their reading with enthusiasm.
Beyond the Book Report
A list of 35 ways to respond to reading. Many of the suggestions integrate technology into student presentations. Although this list is designed for middle school, many of the suggestions will work with both younger and older students.
Book Party: Creating Festivals to Honor Works of Literature
Suggested for middle and high school students and based on Bloomsday, this complete lesson plan includes journaling, vocabulary, reading and discussion, small group work, individual work, assessment, and related standards.
Book Report Form
These printable forms help elementary students report on their reading. Forms are available for biographies, fairy tales, mysteries, sports, and other books. Scroll down to find a reading interests survey for upper elementary.
Book Talks
Students are required to read a novel of their choice. Students will then demonstrate an understanding of that novel by creating a book talk. In the book talk, students will be required to give an overview of the book, read two passages, and give an overall critique of the book. Students will create a Photostory for the presentation.
Books Alive!
Students use PowerPoint to create book reports and post them on the Web.
A Bookish Proposal
Students examine uncommon places where books are sold and create proposals to sell and/or display particular books in local venues. Students read an article from the New York Times in conjunction with this project.
Bringing History Alive: Letters from the Past Book Report
This handout guides students through the process of analyzing a book set in the past and comparing a character's life to the reader's. Includes a Venn diagram. Adobe Reader required for access; 1 page.
A Character Life Box
Students collect props and clues to create a "life box" and a poem about their character. Using props adds a visual and physical dimension to their learning while using words engages mental facilities, making this a whole brain activity. Students must communicate their clues and interpret others clues to reveal characters identities. This lesson is designed to develop skills of character analysis in grades 5-8. It has potential, however, as a book report/project.
Creating a Book Review using Google Books
Students will choose a book to review, read the book, research other reviews of the same book, and then use Google Docs to create their own review. They will share this review with the teacher on Google Docs, and after receiving approval, they will post the review on Google Books.
Digital Booktalk
Students can view or — even better — create a book trailer, like a movie trailer. Click on "UB the Director" for a unit plan.
Get Down and Book-ie!
Students reflect on their favorite books and share them with classmates through presentations and posters. Lesson includes reading comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and cross-curricular project ideas.
Going Beyond the Book Report With Literature Exhibits
In this lesson from the New York Times, students consider the ways author Orhan Pamuk uses objects as inspiration in his new novel The Museum of Innocence and create museum exhibits to reflect the themes, characters, and plotlines of works they are currently studying in class.
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