Requirements for Maryland High School Diploma

To be awarded a diploma, a student shall be enrolled in Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) and have earned a minimum of 23 credits that include the following:

Specific Credit Requirement

English (See pages 43-46)

2 in Algebra
1 in Geometry
1 additional course with Algebra I as the prerequisite.

Each student shall enroll in a mathematics course in each year of high school that the student attends, up to a maximum of 4 years of attendance, unless in the 5th or 6th year a mathematics course is needed to meet a graduation requirement. A student must earn four math credits, including one with instruction in algebra aligned with the Maryland Comprehensive Assessment for algebra or one or more credits in subsequent mathematics courses for which Algebra I is a prerequisite, and one with instruction in geometry aligned with the content standards for geometry.

Students in PLTW programs/North Point Academy of Health Professionals-CNA, Biotechnology, and Engineering programs ONLY

3 credits
1 Earth science, 1 Life science, and
1 Physical science
Recommended sequence:
Honors Earth Systems or AP Environmental Science

3 credits
Recommended sequence:
U.S. History
LSN Government
World History

½ credit Fitness for Life

1 credit
Recommended sequence:
½ credit in 9 th grade
½ credit in 11 th grade

Graduation Pathways
(choose one)

2 credits of the same World Language

AND any remaining credits in electives OR 3-5 credits through the completion of state-approved career and technical education program AND any remaining credits in electives

The Maryland High School Assessment (MHSAs)
Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Curriculum,
Assessment, & Accountability

Participate only and pass Algebra I course

MCAP English II

Participate only and pass English II course

Participate only and pass Biology course MCAP will count as 20% of student’s final grade

Participate only and pass LSN Government course MCAP will count as 20% of student’s final grade

Student Service Learning (SSL)

Student Service Learning (SSL) service is a Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) graduation requirement. This program requires all students to prepare, implement, and reflect upon a project that addresses a need or concern in their schools or community. All projects must meet the MSDE criteria for a quality service-learning experience. In Charles County, components of this program are embedded in grades 6, 7, and 8. During the 2023-24 SY students will not need to complete the 9 th grade SSL component because of the LSN Government/U.S. History Course transition. Students who have not completed service learning by the end of their 10th grade year must contact the service-learning coordinator at their school for information on how to complete the graduation requirement.


The Maryland State Board of Education awards diplomas to all students who have met the requirements for graduation. Students in Charles County completing the CCPS Scholars Course of Study, the Maryland Scholars Course of Study, and/or meeting Certificate of Merit requirements receive additional recognition at graduation. View page 9 for options.

Maryland High School Certificate

The Maryland State Board of Education awards the Maryland High School Certificate to special education students whose Individualized Educational Program (IEP) was developed based on functional living and independent/career skills.


The student shall satisfactory complete four years of approved study beyond 8 th grade unless on an approved option.

High School Requirements Met in Middle School

Algebra I, Geometry, Technology Education, and World Language courses completed in middle school can be used to meet high school graduation requirements and are awarded high school credit. High school credits earned in middle school are not calculated in high school GPA or Rank. Courses not successfully completed must be re-taken in high school. There will be no summer school option.