Understanding Mechanic’s Liens and Arbitration Provisions

As construction companies continue to operate under the stresses of the COVID-19 pandemic and social unrest, projects are starting and stopping as a result. These interrupted schedules, along with our overall disrupted economy, can increase the risk of non-payment. What should you do if there is an arbitration provision in your contract but you want to file a mechanic’s lien to protect your payment rights? First, it is useful to understand the different roles of an arbitration dispute resolution process versus a contractor’s mechanic’s lien rights.

Mechanic’s liens are a remedy created by state statutes that provide security for amounts contractors are owed under their contracts. When a contractor provides labor or material to a project, it has the right to a lien against the property being improved — that is, the actual real estate upon which the project sits. In the event of nonpayment, a mechanic’s lien and subsequent foreclosure action can force the sale of the property in order to pay the amount owed. The sale of the property subject to the mechanic’s lien provides a source of funds to pay for the value of work completed and not paid, but the lien, by itself, does not determine the amount owed.

If your contract contains an arbitration clause, an arbitrator will determine the amount the contractor is actually owed (if any) under the contract. Often, nonpayment occurs due to some dispute over the work completed by the contractor. When there is an arbitration clause, the arbitration hearing — rather than a court — is the forum in which the evidence of the value of work completed is presented and the arbitrator will use this evidence to determine how much money (if any) is owed to the contractor.

Arbitration hearings and mechanic’s liens are thus parallel and separate paths that: (a) in the case of arbitration, determine the amount owed; and (b) in the case of the mechanic’s lien, provide security for ultimate payment of the amount that is determined to be owed in the arbitration. It is important to bear in mind that mechanic’s liens are regulated by state statutes with tight timelines and, often, many strict filing rules. These rules can be confusing and it is easy for an inexperienced contractor to make mistakes. Accordingly, a contractor should first take all the necessary steps to preserve its statutory lien rights before attempting to demand arbitration under your contract.

To preserve your lien rights, there are three things you need to evaluate right away:

Then what?

Once your mechanic’s lien is recorded, it provides security for payment of the amount stated in this lien statement. However, the mechanic’s lien does not establish that the contractor is actually entitled to that amount. Once the lien is on file, there are a variety of options to consider: